Tonight is New Years Eve. Happy New Year all!!!!! I have been watching a concert by Elton John. He is soooo.... good, and hasn't lost his abilities as he has aged. In fact I think I enjoy his matured voice much more than when he could sing in the falsetto. His music and songs have been part of my life since forever. Well ever since my early teens anyway. Every song they had on the concert tonight was a classic with all the love, emotion and memories they engender. Fun, sad, happy etc.... When I was 15 my best school friend, Anna and I, used to go into the city (Sydney) to see the musical, Tommy. I think we saw it every weekend for about 3 months and I reckon I still know every word and image in the movie. I remember analysing it for an English essay and getting in trouble off my very religious English teacher, because I thought it was analogous to Christ's story. Ha. I.E. he came from the bottom of the pack and overtaking obstacles, made good then was dumped on by his supporters, there were analogies to lots of social issues that were current at the time also like the drugs and the searching for answers etc. Elton's music was only a small part of the movie. I don't think I ever had any more than 2 of his albums then, money didn't run to that in those days. I had Yellow Brick Road and Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy. I have a double C.D. with all the old songs, and some newer ones on it now which I play in the car.
I have thought about artists that we have around now days and thought about what ones could be remembered in a few hundred years like Mozart, Beethoven , Tchaikovsky etc, are now. I don't think it will be the Brittany Spears dolly birds, or the silly Spice Girl type of artists that will be remembered as being the icons of our age but maybe the people like Elton John, Beatles, Mick Jagger, even Michael Jackson, (who love him or hate him, has had an undeniable influence on today's music and who has an undeniable talent), who will live on. O.K. we all have our tastes in music which are many and varied and could be added to make a list as long as your arm and it is all subject to personal taste after all. I won't be around to be proven right or wrong I guess.
Yesterday and today were real stinkers. Today it got to 42 degrees and yesterday it got to 37 degrees. The old scale equivalent to 100 Fahrenheit is 37 point something Celsius. I watered today for an hour out the back, what a pleasant way to cool down at the end of a hot day. I enjoy hand watering. My garden seems to be standing up well to the heat at the moment, as there is still some subsoil moisture left in it from the recent rain we have been lucky to have. I have put quite a bit of work into improving my soil over the last few years because of the drought, so the dividends look like they are paying off.
I am not going anywhere or doing anything tonight, I will leave that for the young ones. I have rarely gone out on new years eve anyway. My evening usually involves watching the clock tick over and watching the fire works at midnight on the tele, exciting stuff.... not! Or I just go to bed to sleep. Very boring and normal for me. Plus both Pete and I have to work tomorrow. Nice penalty rates.
One of my workmates has had a real bad scare over the last few days. Her son who is 8 yrs old was rushed to Wagga by ambulance with a suspected case of meningococcal. I haven't rung her to find out if she is still in Wagga Base with him but have heard along the hospital grapevine that he is improving and will be alright. The diagnosis won't be back until tomorrow because the tests take 48hrs to get back. There have been quite a few cases of meningococcal virus around in the news recently. I have only heard of one other locally though, a woman in Cootamundra.
Mum cooked a lovely roast leg of lamb for our tea tonight. Lamb is so expensive now days, about $23 and upwards for a medium sized roasting leg. It used to be mostly what we ate growing up as it was cheap and very available. Now I think beef is the cheaper meat to get.
I got a phone call from Annie earlier tonight, the ginger kitten we got for Michael's Christmas present was very stressed and dehydrated because of the heat, they don't have air conditioning. I told her to dunk it in a bucket of cold water and leave it for half an hour then ring the vet if it didn't improve. I rang them back and he was o.k. again and running around and attacking everyone, so all is well. I've had to do that to my chooks before (they die very quickly from heat exhaustion) and it works on them too. Even Jack our cocky, has had to be sprayed with the hose to cool her down on really hot days. Good old Australian summer eh!
We have had 2 deaths at work over the last few days. One in the acute care ward and another in the long term department. These things usually run in bouts of three so what is next. Sometimes death is a blessing when you see people are ready to go and suffering though. I am sure it is easier on them to go suddenly than hang around and wait to die and for them to know what is happening, but I am sure it is easier for the family to get used to the idea than have a sudden shock. I know which I would choose for myself. I remember when my Dad died, before hand, I was praying for him to be taken gently and I guess that is what happened. He didn't have to lie around wait and get sicker and sicker. Even though he did his share of suffering with his health. I always think I look more like my Mum but I think like my Dad. But he was quite good with numbers and I never acquired that skill. Lol.
Good Night Love Linda.
Monday, 31 December 2007
Friday, 28 December 2007
28th december 2007
I want to scream, fight, cry, hit. I just spent an hour in here writing and lost the lot. So... I have to start again.
Well ya not gonna beat me!
Here goes, now let me try to remember.
I was writing something about this being the third of 7 days I have to work then I get 5 days off. For the past 3 days I have been in the acute care ward cleaning. I had hoped that it would be closed down for a few days over christmas but that wasn't to be. I was to have 3 days scrubbing, stripping and re- polishing floors. I might be weird but I actually enjoy doing that and having the vinyl floors in that area sparkling, especially if I have the whole ward to work in by myself. I did get two rooms stripped and polished though. They do look good. One of the rooms had a Mr F in there, one of our regulars and an easy to get along with type of patient with whom I always have a joke. I had him worried today though. He was dropping sultanas on the floor and I told him not to dirty my floor. He threw out the rest of his sultanas, I felt so mean. Sultanas are not good when you run over them a few times with a wheel chair and spread them around to dry hard on the floor.
I really hate policemens boots the most, they are every bit as bad as farmers boots after it has been raining. They have deep treads that fill up with mud which they march up and down the halls with, just when you have them looking good. Lol. Also funny at work today was a palliative care patient who was feeling no pain, nope no pain at all, because of his medication. He spent the morning singing happily at the top of his voice, he sounded good too.
We find out if Pete has a Canberra job in mid January 08. Some of my workmates are unhappy to have me go. I keep thinking I am not going to get to work in the new hospital which is due to open in March08. We are having a garden in honour of Dr Potts, who was the town doctor for well over 30 years here. I had the idea of doing a clay mural of a big old tree with spreading protective branches. On the leaves we could have the names of all the different towns and areas
serviced by the hospital and cut up into tiles. Having as many people as possible hands on in the making. Fired to 1200 Celsius in buff raku clay which goes brown and speckled at that temperature. There are no other potters on staff so I will be busy.
Two of the doves, a male and female, that were let out of my cage on Christmas day have come home of their own accord. One of the young doves born earlier this year is also back in the cage but we don't know how it got back in there, none of us let it in. The young dove is pure white and has not got its adult markings yet. So I have 3 of the original 5 birds back. Rufus got the other adult dove and killed it yesterday. Rotten little doggie. They keep laying eggs and we keep removing them from the cage, we don't want any more doves , they are good breeders.
When I lost my post written earlier tonight I was trying to put some pictures on it to share, I don't know what I did but I lost the draft and my son would not help me fix it because he wanted to sleep. I was so frustrated. I can never remember how to get the photos put on here without his help and I am quite sure he enjoys seeing me frustrated by it. So no pics. Sorry.
Bye Love Linda.
I want to scream, fight, cry, hit. I just spent an hour in here writing and lost the lot. So... I have to start again.
Well ya not gonna beat me!
Here goes, now let me try to remember.
I was writing something about this being the third of 7 days I have to work then I get 5 days off. For the past 3 days I have been in the acute care ward cleaning. I had hoped that it would be closed down for a few days over christmas but that wasn't to be. I was to have 3 days scrubbing, stripping and re- polishing floors. I might be weird but I actually enjoy doing that and having the vinyl floors in that area sparkling, especially if I have the whole ward to work in by myself. I did get two rooms stripped and polished though. They do look good. One of the rooms had a Mr F in there, one of our regulars and an easy to get along with type of patient with whom I always have a joke. I had him worried today though. He was dropping sultanas on the floor and I told him not to dirty my floor. He threw out the rest of his sultanas, I felt so mean. Sultanas are not good when you run over them a few times with a wheel chair and spread them around to dry hard on the floor.
I really hate policemens boots the most, they are every bit as bad as farmers boots after it has been raining. They have deep treads that fill up with mud which they march up and down the halls with, just when you have them looking good. Lol. Also funny at work today was a palliative care patient who was feeling no pain, nope no pain at all, because of his medication. He spent the morning singing happily at the top of his voice, he sounded good too.
We find out if Pete has a Canberra job in mid January 08. Some of my workmates are unhappy to have me go. I keep thinking I am not going to get to work in the new hospital which is due to open in March08. We are having a garden in honour of Dr Potts, who was the town doctor for well over 30 years here. I had the idea of doing a clay mural of a big old tree with spreading protective branches. On the leaves we could have the names of all the different towns and areas
serviced by the hospital and cut up into tiles. Having as many people as possible hands on in the making. Fired to 1200 Celsius in buff raku clay which goes brown and speckled at that temperature. There are no other potters on staff so I will be busy.
Two of the doves, a male and female, that were let out of my cage on Christmas day have come home of their own accord. One of the young doves born earlier this year is also back in the cage but we don't know how it got back in there, none of us let it in. The young dove is pure white and has not got its adult markings yet. So I have 3 of the original 5 birds back. Rufus got the other adult dove and killed it yesterday. Rotten little doggie. They keep laying eggs and we keep removing them from the cage, we don't want any more doves , they are good breeders.
When I lost my post written earlier tonight I was trying to put some pictures on it to share, I don't know what I did but I lost the draft and my son would not help me fix it because he wanted to sleep. I was so frustrated. I can never remember how to get the photos put on here without his help and I am quite sure he enjoys seeing me frustrated by it. So no pics. Sorry.
Bye Love Linda.
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Christmas Day,
Today is Christmas day. Present opening has been done, Lunch has been eaten. Next on the list is cooking a roast dinner for later tonight when my darling comes home from work. I have a rolled leg pork roast and a turkey breast roll to cook. I tend to over cater so today I will leave it at that. We had prawns, scallops and salt and pepper squid for lunch. Annie had steamed Dim Sim because she won't eat seafood. Probably a hangover from her past when the other kids chased her with prawns and called them cockroaches of the sea. Lol.
David is here with his dog Ruby. She is a black staffordshire terrier about 9 months old, so still a pup in any one's terms. She has had Rufus in a frenzy of wrestling and running and he is absolutely worn out today. She loves jumping in my fish pond, digging in my garden and eating everything within reach, and I mean everything. She managed to get into the doves cage and let them out, I think they will come back when everything settles down again. But her partner in crime, Rufus, caught one of the two baby doves I spoke about a few months back and killed it. He is quite an efficient little doggie and it is in his breeding to chase and kill other animals. Unfortunately he doesn't know the difference between rats and mice which we praise him for catching and my caged birds. It is all just fun for him. Ruby also freaks out my cat Boo. She (Boo) is timid at the best of times and goes into hiding when anything is different in the house. Today she met Ruby and attacked her, it was pure chaos for a minute or so until things settled down again. I guess we won't see her for the rest of the day. She gets on fine with Rufus whom she has played with since she was a kitten but ruby is a lot more scary and bigger than Rufus. Poor doggie though, she hadn't come across a cat who didn't know her and wouldn't play with her before, she was very shocked! Ah well Christmas at the funny farm eh! Ruby is now asleep at my feet with one big paw resting across my foot, being rubbed with my other foot.
On Sunday we all went out to Pete's brothers house in Wagga, for the family Christmas party. It was nice catching up with people I don't see otherwise. I got to watch the great niece and nephews (little people) from that branch of the family open some of their presents. It was lovely and I was thinking "Isn't that what Christmas is about" Grace who is 3 years old and I hadn't met before, got a princess dress which she had to wear straight away and enjoyed swanning around in. Princess Grace! Beautiful. The little boys got an assortment of trucks and tools, just what takes little boys fancies. And there is nothing as beautiful as hearing a baby rocking with toothless laughter. Every year I worry about these Christmas events, there have been things in my past relationship that makes me dread certain people who attend and I try to avoid, but I guess that is silly as when I get there everything is usually o.k.
I met (Annie's) Michael's dad yesterday when he dropped the kids off for Christmas. He said they used to call him hurricane Michael, I thought mmm, well we used to have a Mickle pickle at our house. What's in a name. We also had nick names from the other kids. Annie is still braticus or Bub and Dave was davy gravy.
Today is Christmas day. Present opening has been done, Lunch has been eaten. Next on the list is cooking a roast dinner for later tonight when my darling comes home from work. I have a rolled leg pork roast and a turkey breast roll to cook. I tend to over cater so today I will leave it at that. We had prawns, scallops and salt and pepper squid for lunch. Annie had steamed Dim Sim because she won't eat seafood. Probably a hangover from her past when the other kids chased her with prawns and called them cockroaches of the sea. Lol.
David is here with his dog Ruby. She is a black staffordshire terrier about 9 months old, so still a pup in any one's terms. She has had Rufus in a frenzy of wrestling and running and he is absolutely worn out today. She loves jumping in my fish pond, digging in my garden and eating everything within reach, and I mean everything. She managed to get into the doves cage and let them out, I think they will come back when everything settles down again. But her partner in crime, Rufus, caught one of the two baby doves I spoke about a few months back and killed it. He is quite an efficient little doggie and it is in his breeding to chase and kill other animals. Unfortunately he doesn't know the difference between rats and mice which we praise him for catching and my caged birds. It is all just fun for him. Ruby also freaks out my cat Boo. She (Boo) is timid at the best of times and goes into hiding when anything is different in the house. Today she met Ruby and attacked her, it was pure chaos for a minute or so until things settled down again. I guess we won't see her for the rest of the day. She gets on fine with Rufus whom she has played with since she was a kitten but ruby is a lot more scary and bigger than Rufus. Poor doggie though, she hadn't come across a cat who didn't know her and wouldn't play with her before, she was very shocked! Ah well Christmas at the funny farm eh! Ruby is now asleep at my feet with one big paw resting across my foot, being rubbed with my other foot.
On Sunday we all went out to Pete's brothers house in Wagga, for the family Christmas party. It was nice catching up with people I don't see otherwise. I got to watch the great niece and nephews (little people) from that branch of the family open some of their presents. It was lovely and I was thinking "Isn't that what Christmas is about" Grace who is 3 years old and I hadn't met before, got a princess dress which she had to wear straight away and enjoyed swanning around in. Princess Grace! Beautiful. The little boys got an assortment of trucks and tools, just what takes little boys fancies. And there is nothing as beautiful as hearing a baby rocking with toothless laughter. Every year I worry about these Christmas events, there have been things in my past relationship that makes me dread certain people who attend and I try to avoid, but I guess that is silly as when I get there everything is usually o.k.
I met (Annie's) Michael's dad yesterday when he dropped the kids off for Christmas. He said they used to call him hurricane Michael, I thought mmm, well we used to have a Mickle pickle at our house. What's in a name. We also had nick names from the other kids. Annie is still braticus or Bub and Dave was davy gravy.
Friday, 21 December 2007
Mornin' walk. Jail.
It is just a few days until Christmas. I think I have all the prezzies ready. Just the fresh food to go. I am going to leave that until the last moment because I want seafood. Though, I am not looking forward to tackling the Christmas shopping, last minute crowd in Wagga, to go and get it.
I have been busy and tired for the last week or so, and yesterday I had a catch up on my rest type of day. So, this morning I woke early and couldn't go back to sleep from 4.30 onwards. I gave up about 5.30 and got up and had something to eat before taking Rufus for a walk. I took him up along the golf course. It was beautiful at that time of the morning with the dew still on the grass and all of the birds out for their early morning feed. I was a bit nervous about snakes so I kept Rufus well away from the gully and rough areas around the granite boulders up there. There are lots of snakes up there, it is safer to go there in the winter. But all was well. Rufus was very well behaved today for me. He stayed off the lead most of the time except when we were near the road, and came back when he was called and didn't stray too far. He did find a rabbit to chase though. And I got him a nice big cicada to play with, which he really enjoyed. I saw lots of Galahs, top knot pigeons, minors, wattle birds and red rump parrots. There were a lot of baby Galahs around, making that funny noise they make when they want to be fed. They seem to still get fed by their parents for quite a while after they have learnt to fly.
Canberra is still on the agenda and on my mind a lot. Pete has submitted his application, so here's hoping. I have been spending some time looking at real estate sites on the puter, renting costs are pretty terrible compared to this area but I guess they would be on a par with the other cities. For a house you are looking at $400 and upwards per week, depending on the area etc. I have been thinking that maybe it would be more cost effective to sell our house here and buy there. Even though the prices there are high it would be better that giving our money to some one else. Also if we rent his house out it most likely wouldn't get looked after and deteriorate therefore loose value. I don't know, maybe I am jumping ahead, we don't even know yet if the job application will be accepted. I guess I should explain.... The jail in Canberra is only new, opened less than a year and it is the first in the state, before that crims were sent to N.S.W. jails. They are new to the game and have been trying to attract experienced workers for it. Pete has been working in the industry for over 10 years and has his certificate 4 in correctional management and is working as a supervisor, he also had a few stints working as correctional manager of operations so I reckon he has a good chance. Canberra is in the A.C.T. (Australian Capital Territory) it is about 3 hrs drive from here and Australia's smallest state, where all the govt. stuff is run from. Canberra is a fairly new place, inland, in south east aust. Small compared to cities in other parts of the world, and carefully designed not just grown around the centre of the C.B.D. The jail there is govt run, not private like the one here in Junee, so it has better working conditions and pay.
We are having a wet summer this year. I don't know if we are out of the drought but for the last few weeks we have been getting a nice lot of rain, above average for this time of year. The weather man says we are in a La Nina cycle. Ti's good. Closer to the coast they have had a lot more than us. There is not a lot of grass around yet but it is starting to grow and as the rain has come so has the weather cooled down and been kinder to my garden than it would otherwise be this time of the year. The temperatures have been in the mid twenties each day, very pleasant. Most of the flowers are gone by now normally, but with the rain I still have some nice ones around the yard. In flower now I have day lillies, geraniums, roses, viola, snapdragons, fushia, gladiolis, margurite daisies and the black panther agapanthus that hasn't flowered for me before is in bud, plus other stuff I can't think of at the moment.
One thing I have noticed about Canberra is they don't go in for a lot of gardens. What is there, is mostly environmentally responsible drought tolerant native type gardening. I will miss my garden here and have to redefine my ideas if I move there.
My cat boo is enjoying the christmas tree, like she did last year, she attacks the ornaments and bites them. I have also caught Rufus sneaking the christmas baubles and playing with them, he chewed one of them up, not good for the digestion. I better go rescue the tiy knitted christmas stocking off the cat before she kills it.
Bye. Love Linda.
It is just a few days until Christmas. I think I have all the prezzies ready. Just the fresh food to go. I am going to leave that until the last moment because I want seafood. Though, I am not looking forward to tackling the Christmas shopping, last minute crowd in Wagga, to go and get it.
I have been busy and tired for the last week or so, and yesterday I had a catch up on my rest type of day. So, this morning I woke early and couldn't go back to sleep from 4.30 onwards. I gave up about 5.30 and got up and had something to eat before taking Rufus for a walk. I took him up along the golf course. It was beautiful at that time of the morning with the dew still on the grass and all of the birds out for their early morning feed. I was a bit nervous about snakes so I kept Rufus well away from the gully and rough areas around the granite boulders up there. There are lots of snakes up there, it is safer to go there in the winter. But all was well. Rufus was very well behaved today for me. He stayed off the lead most of the time except when we were near the road, and came back when he was called and didn't stray too far. He did find a rabbit to chase though. And I got him a nice big cicada to play with, which he really enjoyed. I saw lots of Galahs, top knot pigeons, minors, wattle birds and red rump parrots. There were a lot of baby Galahs around, making that funny noise they make when they want to be fed. They seem to still get fed by their parents for quite a while after they have learnt to fly.
Canberra is still on the agenda and on my mind a lot. Pete has submitted his application, so here's hoping. I have been spending some time looking at real estate sites on the puter, renting costs are pretty terrible compared to this area but I guess they would be on a par with the other cities. For a house you are looking at $400 and upwards per week, depending on the area etc. I have been thinking that maybe it would be more cost effective to sell our house here and buy there. Even though the prices there are high it would be better that giving our money to some one else. Also if we rent his house out it most likely wouldn't get looked after and deteriorate therefore loose value. I don't know, maybe I am jumping ahead, we don't even know yet if the job application will be accepted. I guess I should explain.... The jail in Canberra is only new, opened less than a year and it is the first in the state, before that crims were sent to N.S.W. jails. They are new to the game and have been trying to attract experienced workers for it. Pete has been working in the industry for over 10 years and has his certificate 4 in correctional management and is working as a supervisor, he also had a few stints working as correctional manager of operations so I reckon he has a good chance. Canberra is in the A.C.T. (Australian Capital Territory) it is about 3 hrs drive from here and Australia's smallest state, where all the govt. stuff is run from. Canberra is a fairly new place, inland, in south east aust. Small compared to cities in other parts of the world, and carefully designed not just grown around the centre of the C.B.D. The jail there is govt run, not private like the one here in Junee, so it has better working conditions and pay.
We are having a wet summer this year. I don't know if we are out of the drought but for the last few weeks we have been getting a nice lot of rain, above average for this time of year. The weather man says we are in a La Nina cycle. Ti's good. Closer to the coast they have had a lot more than us. There is not a lot of grass around yet but it is starting to grow and as the rain has come so has the weather cooled down and been kinder to my garden than it would otherwise be this time of the year. The temperatures have been in the mid twenties each day, very pleasant. Most of the flowers are gone by now normally, but with the rain I still have some nice ones around the yard. In flower now I have day lillies, geraniums, roses, viola, snapdragons, fushia, gladiolis, margurite daisies and the black panther agapanthus that hasn't flowered for me before is in bud, plus other stuff I can't think of at the moment.
One thing I have noticed about Canberra is they don't go in for a lot of gardens. What is there, is mostly environmentally responsible drought tolerant native type gardening. I will miss my garden here and have to redefine my ideas if I move there.
My cat boo is enjoying the christmas tree, like she did last year, she attacks the ornaments and bites them. I have also caught Rufus sneaking the christmas baubles and playing with them, he chewed one of them up, not good for the digestion. I better go rescue the tiy knitted christmas stocking off the cat before she kills it.
Bye. Love Linda.
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Black flowers, Pets, and Pottery.

Is it really 7 days since I have written in here? I am slipping aren't I.
I might write about my flowers tonight. Well Um!
I have been trying out different flowers for quite a while, trying to find something that has black in it's name and actually has a black flower. The poor straggly gladioli in the above picture is called black stallion. You can see how black it is. Most of the things I know of, that are said to have black flowers are darker shades of red or purple. I tried hellebore's, roses, gladiolus, and a black scabiosa or pincushion. I have seen black tulips that came close. I like Tulips when they flower but I reckon otherwise they are the biggest rip off out. You get one flower from one expensive bulb that might last a few days if you are lucky and it doesn't get too hot, then it is gone for another year. There is also a pittosporum that has tiny black/purple flowers on it with a yellow spot in the throat, I used to have one but it has gone to heaven now.





I spent most of today in my shed making a large flower pot. I used white stoneware clay and painted it with a slip made from frit, ball clay, manganese and red iron oxide in it, then cut into the slip to expose the white clay underneath. If it survives the drying and once firing it should look good. I retreated to my shed because I was sad. I had a fight with second son David yesterday. We went in to Wagga to have Annie's braces finally removed and had to go back later in the afternoon for the second appointment and had a few spare hours to kill. I decided to go up to David's place, and do some gardening. Mum always complains about the garden and that Dave isn't looking after it enough. Anyway he came home and went crook on me because he thought the fact that I had turned up to do the garden was an insult to him. We argued. As usual I bore the brunt of his anger. I left. Who wants to be a mother! I don't think I want to any more. It is too hard and I'm not good at it!
Back to work tomorrow for 4 days, after 2 days off, with a 6.30 start.
Tomorrow night I have a christmas party to go to for the stained glass group, I have to take something green (salad) . On saturday night it is the hospital christmas party, I have to take nibblies, and next wednesday is the hotel services department christmas party and I have to get looked after by the restuarant proprieters. Sounds Good. I went out for lunch yesterday with Edie and Kath, my 2 favourite potter friends, for christmas.
Next year Pete and I are thinking about moving to Canberra. Better employment opportunities, services and facilities, better mental health help for my son Michael, and better pottery for me. I am still changing my mind each day. One day liking the idea, the next day being scared of change and leaving what I have behind, starting out with a new group of people etc, which is not easy for me. I think Canberra is winning at the moment though. I have already started trying to de-clutter some of my cupboards in anticipation.
O.K. enough for tonight, I am going to get a cuppa and go to bed early. Goodnight.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Christmas in Australia.
Tonight I have been looking at other peoples blogs and following links from them. Lots of them are in the northern hemisphere and people are talking about cold and snow and the soon to be here Christmas time.
In Australia we have Christmas in the middle of summer and more often than not, where I live it is with the air conditioner up full bore. We put out our Christmas lights a few days ago and have them switched on at the moment. It always amuses me that people in Australia always put out decorations with northern hemisphere snowy Christmas themes included. Santa is rugged up in his warm warm suit and his sleigh is pulled by reindeer.
Years ago Pete made a Santa and sleigh to put on the roof of our garage that is pulled by white kangaroos. The idea for which came from an old Christmas song by Rolf Harris called "Six White Boomers". Meant to be the Australian version of Santa's transport in our southern hemisphere version of Christmas. Boomers are big Kangaroos. The ones purported to pull Santa's sleigh were white. I have seen white roos before, (albinos), but they are pretty rare and probably wouldn't survive very long in the wild. They are very pretty . The one we have is in the shed now, in need of repainting, but I always liked the idea of having our Aussie Christmas done in line with what we have in this country. I also had the idea of doing some gum nut babies (Australian children's stories by author and artist May Gibbs), in Christmas dress, though I never did get around to that. Anyway our lights are up. We keep adding a few more each year to our collection. I haven't decorated the Christmas tree yet which is out in my front yard. It is a nice sized book leaf pine, about 8 ft tall. We used to have some neighbours next door who moved away and gave me a few bits and pieces they didn't want anymore, including a half dead stick in a small pot that grew into my front yard Christmas tree. So it was meant to be, after surviving its earlier existence.
In the days before air conditioning the poor old early Australian Mum, had to cook the traditional roasts, ham and boiled plum pudding with all the trimmings over a wood fired stove in the middle of summer for Christmas day. English style. Nowadays we have changed things around a bit and many people have cold meals. Usually including beautiful seafood , like prawns, oysters, crabs etc. Yum. Though lots of people still opt for the traditional hot Christmas dinner. I cheat a bit and have a mixture of both. We usually have prawns & salads for lunch and roast turkey breast roll and ham for tea. And of course the Aussie adaption to the Christmas dessert the Pavlova. Home made of course, it is much better than the shop bought ones. Pavlova is a meringue crust with a soft chewy middle topped off with whipped cream and whatever nice fruit you can get like peaches, berries, passion fruit, kiwi fruit and grated chocolate. Or that is how I do mine anyway, there are lots of variations.
I haven't finished my Christmas shopping yet. Wagga shopping is absolutely mad the closer you get to Christmas. I always have good intentions of getting finished early, but yeah, you know what happens. The main street gets more & more crowded, people get hassled & cranky with the traffic and the extra people in the shops and their manners go out the window.
I feel like that trying to shop in the city with all the crowds. I have always wanted to walk through the markets or down the street in the city with both my hands on my hips and my elbows out at the sides and hit anyone who crowds me in. I never would, but it is funny to think about. Get out of my personal space you mongrels, oomph! I was talking to someone once who was telling me about how crowded it is in India to walk down the street every day. I don't think I would enjoy that. I'm definitely a country girl. Give me a dawdle down a quiet street any day versus a crowded city.
Today was a warm day here, not overly hot, 29 degres was forecast, I don't know what it got to officially. It was humid as we had a nice heavy shower yesterday. My water tank has about a foot of water in the bottom of it now. I worked as early cook today so I got home nice and early at 3.00 and was able to get a granny nap in before tea time. We had a cold tea tonight, B.B.Q. chook and salad. I have 3 days off now to enjoy. I have a bit to get done though. It is Annie's birthday tomorrow. My baby is 19.
O.K. goodnight.
Love Linda.
Tonight I have been looking at other peoples blogs and following links from them. Lots of them are in the northern hemisphere and people are talking about cold and snow and the soon to be here Christmas time.
In Australia we have Christmas in the middle of summer and more often than not, where I live it is with the air conditioner up full bore. We put out our Christmas lights a few days ago and have them switched on at the moment. It always amuses me that people in Australia always put out decorations with northern hemisphere snowy Christmas themes included. Santa is rugged up in his warm warm suit and his sleigh is pulled by reindeer.
Years ago Pete made a Santa and sleigh to put on the roof of our garage that is pulled by white kangaroos. The idea for which came from an old Christmas song by Rolf Harris called "Six White Boomers". Meant to be the Australian version of Santa's transport in our southern hemisphere version of Christmas. Boomers are big Kangaroos. The ones purported to pull Santa's sleigh were white. I have seen white roos before, (albinos), but they are pretty rare and probably wouldn't survive very long in the wild. They are very pretty . The one we have is in the shed now, in need of repainting, but I always liked the idea of having our Aussie Christmas done in line with what we have in this country. I also had the idea of doing some gum nut babies (Australian children's stories by author and artist May Gibbs), in Christmas dress, though I never did get around to that. Anyway our lights are up. We keep adding a few more each year to our collection. I haven't decorated the Christmas tree yet which is out in my front yard. It is a nice sized book leaf pine, about 8 ft tall. We used to have some neighbours next door who moved away and gave me a few bits and pieces they didn't want anymore, including a half dead stick in a small pot that grew into my front yard Christmas tree. So it was meant to be, after surviving its earlier existence.
In the days before air conditioning the poor old early Australian Mum, had to cook the traditional roasts, ham and boiled plum pudding with all the trimmings over a wood fired stove in the middle of summer for Christmas day. English style. Nowadays we have changed things around a bit and many people have cold meals. Usually including beautiful seafood , like prawns, oysters, crabs etc. Yum. Though lots of people still opt for the traditional hot Christmas dinner. I cheat a bit and have a mixture of both. We usually have prawns & salads for lunch and roast turkey breast roll and ham for tea. And of course the Aussie adaption to the Christmas dessert the Pavlova. Home made of course, it is much better than the shop bought ones. Pavlova is a meringue crust with a soft chewy middle topped off with whipped cream and whatever nice fruit you can get like peaches, berries, passion fruit, kiwi fruit and grated chocolate. Or that is how I do mine anyway, there are lots of variations.
I haven't finished my Christmas shopping yet. Wagga shopping is absolutely mad the closer you get to Christmas. I always have good intentions of getting finished early, but yeah, you know what happens. The main street gets more & more crowded, people get hassled & cranky with the traffic and the extra people in the shops and their manners go out the window.
I feel like that trying to shop in the city with all the crowds. I have always wanted to walk through the markets or down the street in the city with both my hands on my hips and my elbows out at the sides and hit anyone who crowds me in. I never would, but it is funny to think about. Get out of my personal space you mongrels, oomph! I was talking to someone once who was telling me about how crowded it is in India to walk down the street every day. I don't think I would enjoy that. I'm definitely a country girl. Give me a dawdle down a quiet street any day versus a crowded city.
Today was a warm day here, not overly hot, 29 degres was forecast, I don't know what it got to officially. It was humid as we had a nice heavy shower yesterday. My water tank has about a foot of water in the bottom of it now. I worked as early cook today so I got home nice and early at 3.00 and was able to get a granny nap in before tea time. We had a cold tea tonight, B.B.Q. chook and salad. I have 3 days off now to enjoy. I have a bit to get done though. It is Annie's birthday tomorrow. My baby is 19.
O.K. goodnight.
Love Linda.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Potter's Club, Pets, Griffith.
Today was my monthly duty and meeting day at the potter's club. Usually an enjoyable day, catching up with good friends etc. I spent the morning doing a slab work lesson with a new member, Milton, who is a retired farmer and is keen to get into playing with clay. He has done a sculpture class and enjoyed it which took his interest. He is doing well. We have had 5 new members join in the last 2 months so things are looking good. Two of the new members have already done a lot of potting.
Coming up next month we have the painting of the gallery and also the sanding and resealing of the wooden floors taking place.
Rufus the pup had a very adventurous day today. He caught a rabbit in our back yard. Very exciting for him, I'm glad I wasn't here to see it though. Rabbits are feral animals here and are quite a nuisance and very destructive to the environment. He has often been excited by their scent and chased them on out walks to the golf club but has never caught one until today. In our enclosed yard is very different than chasing them on the golf club where the bunnies know the terrain and have space to run at full speed. We don't take him to the golf club this time of year because it has too many snakes in the warm weather.
Rufus also suffered from misadventure today. When Pete took him in the car down to the shops he saw another doggie walking down the street and leaned out of the car window too far, and fell out. He was left in the middle of the road stunned and was lucky to not have been run over by Pete or another car. He has a few grease spots on him and I guess a few bruises but other than that he appears to be unhurt. Pete would be heart broken if anything had happened to Rufus as he treats him like his baby. Which is funny, because he has never been like that with another pet before until we got Rufus , who seemed to instantly win his heart.
My new water tank was connected up on Thursday. We have had a nice bit of rain over the past week. I don't know the figures but it was good anyway. There are already a few inches of water in the bottom of the tank. Things are a bit greener and cooler, but humid . We have had thunder storms over the last few days, the thunder doesn't seem to worry Rufus too much, not like my poor old Freddy dog who was absolutely terrified of it. Like chicken little who thought the sky would fall on him, or the world was going to end. Nothing could ease his terror. The best we could do was lock him outside and not make eye contact with him, or he would panic more, until he made himself vomit. He was the same with fire crackers.
This morning when we went in to Wagga we took a ginger kitten in to Michael. (Annie's Boyfriend) Annie wanted to give him a kitten for Christmas and this one was ready to go now so Christmas came early. Annie has named the kitten cheese burger, yeah! I know! Why? Our cat Boo, was completely unimpressed by cheese burger. As cats are with an intruder to their homes. So that was another reason for him to go to his new home earlier. He is quite a little character and was only here for a few days but had in that time decided he was quite at home and that he owned the family. Including Rufus who was trying to mother him. The sight of the week was Rufus laying quietly on the mat with the kitten on top attacking him, and Rufus carrying the kitten, puppy style, in his mouth, by the scruff of his neck.
On Tuesday and Wednesday last, I took Mum over to Griffith for a visit. She decided to stay for a couple more days and will come back late next week. She still has 2 sisters and 2 brothers and their families living there and it is her home town. We stayed overnight at Auntie Joan's place and had a nice B.B.Q. tea together with them and 2 of my cousins. My Uncle Wal got bitten on the hand by a snake a few weeks ago and spent a few days in intensive care. He is alright now though. Not good practice for an 81 year old. He was doing some work cleaning up in his neighbours yard.
Griffith is only 2 hours drive north west of here. It is in an area known as The M.I.A (Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area) which is a big fruit, veges and winery area. It is a multi cultural town with people from India, Turkey and the Pacific Islands settling there for work. It is also known for its large Italian community which has been there for quite a few generations working in the fruit & wine industries. It is a progressive place nowadays with lots of growth in related primary industry and lots of building going on. I checked out the new shopping mall. There is good shopping there too and I got Annie's birthday pressie for next week. Australians also know it for its infamy because of the italian mafia and related drug growing, which is a hard reputation to shake off once it is there. No, I don't have any of those in my heritage. I have English, Welsh and Scots blood, but I am a 6Th generation Australian, maybe more, 5 generations back I have aboriginal blood, if such a tiny bit can be counted. We are Australians and we all come from somewhere else.
In the news! We had our federal election last weekend and we have a change of government. We are now lead by the Labor party. I am a bit sceptical, as are quite a few of the people I have spoken to since the elections. People I might add, I hadn't expected to feel like that knowing their comments to be against the Liberal party whom were in power previously. My thoughts! Well I am pleased that the labor party might be the ones to spend lots of money on education and health and environment ( where there is desperate need of repair) but worried they will go too far the other way and get the country into big debt like they did last time they were in power. We will see won't we. Also the labor party has traditionally been associated with unionism which can also be taken too far and make things on the employment side unstable.
I hate politics, I don't even pretend to understand its intricacies. That is my version. You don't have to agree.
Today was my monthly duty and meeting day at the potter's club. Usually an enjoyable day, catching up with good friends etc. I spent the morning doing a slab work lesson with a new member, Milton, who is a retired farmer and is keen to get into playing with clay. He has done a sculpture class and enjoyed it which took his interest. He is doing well. We have had 5 new members join in the last 2 months so things are looking good. Two of the new members have already done a lot of potting.
Coming up next month we have the painting of the gallery and also the sanding and resealing of the wooden floors taking place.
Rufus the pup had a very adventurous day today. He caught a rabbit in our back yard. Very exciting for him, I'm glad I wasn't here to see it though. Rabbits are feral animals here and are quite a nuisance and very destructive to the environment. He has often been excited by their scent and chased them on out walks to the golf club but has never caught one until today. In our enclosed yard is very different than chasing them on the golf club where the bunnies know the terrain and have space to run at full speed. We don't take him to the golf club this time of year because it has too many snakes in the warm weather.
Rufus also suffered from misadventure today. When Pete took him in the car down to the shops he saw another doggie walking down the street and leaned out of the car window too far, and fell out. He was left in the middle of the road stunned and was lucky to not have been run over by Pete or another car. He has a few grease spots on him and I guess a few bruises but other than that he appears to be unhurt. Pete would be heart broken if anything had happened to Rufus as he treats him like his baby. Which is funny, because he has never been like that with another pet before until we got Rufus , who seemed to instantly win his heart.
My new water tank was connected up on Thursday. We have had a nice bit of rain over the past week. I don't know the figures but it was good anyway. There are already a few inches of water in the bottom of the tank. Things are a bit greener and cooler, but humid . We have had thunder storms over the last few days, the thunder doesn't seem to worry Rufus too much, not like my poor old Freddy dog who was absolutely terrified of it. Like chicken little who thought the sky would fall on him, or the world was going to end. Nothing could ease his terror. The best we could do was lock him outside and not make eye contact with him, or he would panic more, until he made himself vomit. He was the same with fire crackers.
This morning when we went in to Wagga we took a ginger kitten in to Michael. (Annie's Boyfriend) Annie wanted to give him a kitten for Christmas and this one was ready to go now so Christmas came early. Annie has named the kitten cheese burger, yeah! I know! Why? Our cat Boo, was completely unimpressed by cheese burger. As cats are with an intruder to their homes. So that was another reason for him to go to his new home earlier. He is quite a little character and was only here for a few days but had in that time decided he was quite at home and that he owned the family. Including Rufus who was trying to mother him. The sight of the week was Rufus laying quietly on the mat with the kitten on top attacking him, and Rufus carrying the kitten, puppy style, in his mouth, by the scruff of his neck.
On Tuesday and Wednesday last, I took Mum over to Griffith for a visit. She decided to stay for a couple more days and will come back late next week. She still has 2 sisters and 2 brothers and their families living there and it is her home town. We stayed overnight at Auntie Joan's place and had a nice B.B.Q. tea together with them and 2 of my cousins. My Uncle Wal got bitten on the hand by a snake a few weeks ago and spent a few days in intensive care. He is alright now though. Not good practice for an 81 year old. He was doing some work cleaning up in his neighbours yard.
Griffith is only 2 hours drive north west of here. It is in an area known as The M.I.A (Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area) which is a big fruit, veges and winery area. It is a multi cultural town with people from India, Turkey and the Pacific Islands settling there for work. It is also known for its large Italian community which has been there for quite a few generations working in the fruit & wine industries. It is a progressive place nowadays with lots of growth in related primary industry and lots of building going on. I checked out the new shopping mall. There is good shopping there too and I got Annie's birthday pressie for next week. Australians also know it for its infamy because of the italian mafia and related drug growing, which is a hard reputation to shake off once it is there. No, I don't have any of those in my heritage. I have English, Welsh and Scots blood, but I am a 6Th generation Australian, maybe more, 5 generations back I have aboriginal blood, if such a tiny bit can be counted. We are Australians and we all come from somewhere else.
In the news! We had our federal election last weekend and we have a change of government. We are now lead by the Labor party. I am a bit sceptical, as are quite a few of the people I have spoken to since the elections. People I might add, I hadn't expected to feel like that knowing their comments to be against the Liberal party whom were in power previously. My thoughts! Well I am pleased that the labor party might be the ones to spend lots of money on education and health and environment ( where there is desperate need of repair) but worried they will go too far the other way and get the country into big debt like they did last time they were in power. We will see won't we. Also the labor party has traditionally been associated with unionism which can also be taken too far and make things on the employment side unstable.
I hate politics, I don't even pretend to understand its intricacies. That is my version. You don't have to agree.
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