Sunday, 20 June 2010

Sunday Scribblings "Birth"

The Sunday Scribblings prompt for this week is Birth. Wow, there are so many directions I could go with this.
My First thought was I am a woman, I am a mother, I am a potter and I am a gardener and I am a cook and I clean and I work and I sew and I mend and I reap and I sing and I play and I learn and I teach and I love and I protect and I ............
All of me gives birth.
The ultimate creation I can make is a live birth, which I have been privileged to accomplish three times during my life. Twice I was unsuccessful. I don't know why that happened but it was absolutely heart wrenching. Maybe it was a lesson in apreciation for what we have, what we want and to cherish what we accomplish.
You might think, yeah, yeah people do that every day. People all over the world give birth, in fact all animals do it in their own fashion. If you have been through it you will realize that it is not just a common event but that it is a miracle The ultimate act of creation.
Each of my births was different in its own way, giving birth to a brand new being, a one of. The birth of a blank slate, a perfect innocent being, to teach and learn, to grow and eventually recreate themselves. But ... each new birth is individual. The mix of millions of years of genetic material which will never be joined together in quite the same way ever again. If that is not magic then, I don't know what is.
So congratulations on each new birth, new life in the making. My friend Alison became a grandmother for the third time last Thursday morning. Magic.
My two sons are grown up, their ages tell me so. Only numbers, but to me they are still my children, each born at the frosty dawning of a new day. My daughter was born late into a hot summers night. Oh how I miss those early innocent days with tiny little human beings around me. They were not easy days but they were full of sweetness and love, laughter and learning. If I am lucky, I will have babies around me once more, when my babies are ready...... If I am lucky.
For now I must satisfy that whimsy with plants and clay, my cat and one funny little Jack Russel dog called Rufus.
My blog has been suffering of late. My brain is empty of words. I look at other peoples blogs and think how clever and interesting they are with what they put in their blogs and my head is mush. I don't want the friends I have in here to go away but if I don't sort it out I know they will wander off to more interesting pages and forget about me. I have been making excuses, like sitting here and playing games on face book or, the computers are not working the way they should have been. Well I have a new reconditioned computer here now, so just bloody well get on with it Linny. I will try to get back to where I thought I was before. I know I try. I am very trying. Ha ha ha.
I do appreciate the wonderful people I have met in here, thank you for visiting and commenting.
Last weekend was a long weekend here in Australia. I drove 5 hours north to visit my eldest sister Thelma and spent the weekend with her.
We visited the Hunter Valley Gardens. There is a wonderful Grand mother sculpture set in the center of a sunken rose garden there. I love this sculpture. It is of the gardens owners wife and represents the love and special bond between a grandmother and her grand children. When I first saw it quite a few years ago there where only a few children and the grand mother. As more grand children have arrived more sculptures have been added. I think that is lovely.
My sister volunteers at the Norah head lighthouse so I spent a few hours there with her as well. I wandered along the beach and through the rock platforms and had a tour that took me to the very top of the light house. It was a very nice weekend, albeit cold, but sunny. I do not enjoy driving through the traffic in Sydney.
It is funny, each town/city seems to have its own peculiar style of driving which is strange to adjust to as you travel round. Junee where I lived before here is slow and laid back, you dawdle along looking around for friends to wave hello to. Wagga is a step faster, but still slower than here in Canberra. When I first moved here I was amused at the way local drivers negotiated roundabouts on two wheels. My driving has changed to adapt. But Sydney is mad. Too crowded and full of impatient people who have no time for others , especially those who are not 100% sure of where they should be going. What would be nice there is for those mad scientists to connect up their Dr Who type teleporters to move people around the city.
Sydney, nice place to visit a place of great beauty even but..... I did live there in my teens and enjoyed it, but not now, no, not now. Now I just want a patch of dirt to play in that I can call my own.
That is about all I have at the moment. Now I must go visiting Sunday Scribbles blogs.
Love Linda.


George S Batty said...

Old grizz is happy when you talk about Australia and how you live and the scenery you describe. You have lots to write about and I enjoy eading it. Sorry I haven't stopped by much but I have been trying to write a book. It's about 1/3 done so I have a long way to go.

Jae Rose said...

Hi Linda! I am happy you have returned to your blog and like Old Grizz am always so cheered by your warm descriptions and thoughts. It is so life-affirming and (after approaching this week's SS prompt in a rather bleak way)gives me hope and faith in people..Jae

Anonymous said...

Good to see you are back!

You're getting your Sci Fi metaphors mixed up! Dr Who has a TARDIS that would be perfect for carrying all the shopping. Star Trek had the teleporters!!

You're welcome ;)

What is with the North and South aspect to Canberra? They each complain that the other side of town is soooooo far away! What tha?


Julie Jordan Scott said...


Thanks for posting a comment on my Sunday Scribbling and I completely enjoyed yours. Love hearing your perspective on birth and your experiences of birth. I can never tire of speaking about it.

Bimbimbie said...

I love the idea of the Grandma statue being kept company by her grandchildren statues

and Lindy Lou ;) you do have interesting things to say, look what you just wrote here so to quote you back "just bloody well get on with it" Smiles *!*

Mountain Mama said...

Your comment about the millions of years of genetic material in each new birth is a deep subject. Because I do genealogy I have often thought about what things I inherited from all my ancestors. I am a conglomeration of all of them, hundreds of years worth!

Old Egg said...

To start with your head is not full of mush. I loved this post that took us from birth, to families, to longing, to trips around eastern Australia and provided an attractive insight to humanity and particularly us Aussies and where we live.

Great work.

Divaa Divine said...

ooohh yayyy now i read you and feel great after doing so :)

chk mine at