Saturday 19 January 2008

Fixing it up.

Today is my fourth of four days off work. Ya Hoo, it has been raining since yesterday morning. A good slow soaking rain that doesn't run away down the drain. The temps are in the mid 20's today and are a cool reprieve from the heat we have experienced over the past couple of weeks. Lovely.
Yesterday I work cleaning up around my pot plants in the covered area at the back of the house. I scrubbed the paving then rinsed it off because the whole area was covered in fine dust. I had removed the old tiles from the back steps and Pete had smoothed the steps off with the angle grinder and re tiled them in nice light coloured slip proof tiles, looks good. Anyway from there I started on the laundry. (Ouch! my hands are sore.) I pulled the whole room apart and went and got some sand and cement mix, cleaned back the bare brick walls then coated them with cement and sand mix. I am now waiting for that to dry so I can paint it white. You know how these things snowball. The next thing I saw was the old tiles stacked at the side of the house and I though we could recycle them on the laundry floor. So Pete and I sat out the back last night cleaning them of all the old grout etc and started laying them in the laundry. It is about half done and we have to wait for that to dry to move the washing machine and tackle the other side of the room. We had to make a quick trip into Wagga this morning to get more tile glue. While I was in there I spotted some lovely textured terracotta coloured paint. So I got some of that to put on the garden edges in the covered area out the back too. If we get to go to Canberra some of the hard work will be done, if not, well I have done some good improvements that have added value to our house. All in all a good productive couple of days. Pete went for his day in Canberra during the week to do the job tests, he feels he went well and he has to go back soon for a formal interview.
Other news. Annie was offered a place in the first round of applicants for university. She was so excited and jumped straight on the phone (her life line) to tell all the important people in her life. Pete got her a laptop from eBay to prepare for the start of the course. She has had a big week. She also swung into action job hunting and put in a heap of resumes around Wagga at different places so she can move in there to start her studying. So it is all go go go.
O.K. I am going to close this off now because I have a birthday party to go to tonight and I want to have a play with the Sunday Scribblings weekly writing prompt, "Fellow Travellers"

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