Back again for Sunday Scribblings weekly writing prompt. The prompt makers,
Laini and Meg want us to say something about ethics. Mm, I had to pause and think what I could say about that. Not a creative piece of writing here, just my own personal views on ethics, my ethics.
Ethics are subjective I guess to everything that makes us ...us. Our genes and our experiences and our upbringing.
If you have been bought up within a religion, be it as a christian or other religion you've been taught personal rules to live by. That is what the bible is, rules to live by. Ethics that help us get along with others (well hopefully) and have a place to fit and belong in our respective societies.
If you haven't been bought up to learn about a religion you have learned how to get along with others in your society in a similar fashion from people who do follow a religion. Or maybe you just learned from trial and error, either way what you learned was via religion in some way. The christian religion has holes in it due to each era's interpretation of it, same as other religions and cultures. I think now days...this era.... people are learning to take this with a grain of salt and choose their own personal ethics to fit in with their own beliefs.
There are ethics for the workplace , ethics for friendships, ethics for family and relationships, our own personal ethics that we follow.
Goodness my mind is rambling on into so many different areas.
Mmmm ethics.
Take for an example the ethics in a relationship regarding fidelity. Males seem to see this issue differently to the female partner. He wants someone to love, so does she, but different views on fidelity are sure to make the relationship crumble.
Or is that a cultural ethic?
Or am I just looking from the female point of view.
Ouch. That is bad isn't it.
Or....... are those differences human nature, a part of our genetic make up, or differences between our genders. I dunno I dunno.
My ethics. Keep control of your emotions. Be honest with yourself and others. Cause no harm if possible, it costs nothing to walk away from someone if you know you are right, even if they think they are the ones in the right, let them think they have had a win and they go away happy. Don't be greedy, you only need to get by, not be a world beater. Look after the environment you live in, your house as well as what is around you including the species (flora and fauna) other than your own. Teach, learn, love, laugh, live. I wrote that on one of my pottery pieces a while ago:). Give. Don't try to influence too much, let others live and learn for them selves and don't preach about what you believe if they don't want to know it.
Mmmm, this isn't easy is it.
Love Linda.