Saturday, 14 February 2009

Sunday Scribblings "Sport"

The Sunday scribblings prompt for this weekend is "Sport".
Well sport an' me don't mix too well. Unfortunately it shows in my body too.
If I had the confidence to go backwards, which is one of the things I swear I will never do...I would like to change that.
Sure, I like to challenge myself physically, but I tend to do that via physical work rather than in sport.
There are some things that I am proud of doing that I class as physically challenging, like chopping up fallen trees and not giving in until it is all finished or grubbing out stumps or other gardening tasks that others would give up on but that is not sport as most people would think of it.
I was one of those kids who never played sport successfully because I would cringe when someone yelled at me. I thought that I had done something wrong so I would drop the ball or throw it to the nearest person, regardless of whether they were on m my team or not. So I was the one who was always picked last. He he.
I am still like that if some one yells at me or is angry at me. I cringe and internalize it.
I remember once, playing softball with my school in the park behind Bronte beach when I was in 5th grade. I am sure the kids used to hit the ball near me because they thought I would not catch it. Well this day I did, it literally dropped into my hands. They probably did not like that either. Well the kids on the other team anyway. He he.
Funny though, since working cleaning at the schools where I do, I have listened and watched the kids playing and all the kids yell at each other when playing and now I see that I probably misunderstood their intentions.
The other reason I refused to play sport as a youngster was because my parents and my sister were all good sports persons and I was not so well coordinated therefore would not compete and be compared to my wonderful sister. Likewise for not going and doing my nurses training as I got older , because I refused to be compared to her. Even though I was told that I have an aptitude for nursing and would have done well at that sort of work. So now she runs the hospital and I clean toilets. Ah well back to my old excuse... you can't go back.
People who enjoy sport and are good at it would probably say Phooff to that, but there you go that is me.
When I was in high school I used to enjoy athletics. I never did anything great there but I did enjoy the running and hurdles and shot put type stuff.
I used to try to lose weight and run around the oval until I was exhausted. The only way to lose weight is to increase output until it exceeds input. It works if you can keep it up, and sport is one of the ways to tackle it. I lost 18 kg a few years ago challenging myself, but with walking and trips to the gym, and being tough on myself food wise, not with sport. There were nice steep hills to challenge myself on around Junee where I was living at the time.
Football, Cricket, Tennis, Golf etc on the television. I hate it and couldn't think of anything more boring and annoying that to sit in front of the idiot box all day watching it. I would find it more entertaining watching paint dry. Granted the computer I am sitting in front of now is not using up many calories either but it is much more entertaining than sport on T.V or most things on T.V. for that matter. My Mum loves to watch sport on T.V. and still tries to shove it down my neck how wonderful it is, and I hate that. I give her the lounge room and the T.V. and come in here to the computer instead.
If I could go back... one of the things I would choose to do was encourage my children to take part in sport more than they did. I think that playing team sport boosts confidence and encourages fitness, which is important, both when they are growing up and as adults. At the time I did not push them into it as they were not really interested and I thought that if I hated sport then why would I enforce it on them. But with hindsight it may have done them some good. My second son played soccer for a few years, just for fun, nothing serious. He challenges himself and his fitness with weights and a punching bag strung up in the car port and does a lot of walking, he is quite fit.
But sport and me... nah!
I have had a tough week, mostly due to my own stupidity and mistakes and I have been very hard on myself over it. I will survive. Some days the whole world feels like it hates you. My puter pals make me smile. Thanks everyone.
love Linda.


anthonynorth said...

Sport is impossible for me nowadays, although I do graded exercises to help keep me fit.
In my youth I was rubbish at team sports, but things like gymnastics and swimming were my thing.

Everydaythings said...

never been good at it except rounders in primary school, and now still hate doing it except watching the ice skating and gymnastics on tv during the olympics. other than that give me the computer any time!!

Linda Jacobs said...

I'd say gardening is a sport!

A well-written and interesting post!

Shammi said...

I totally empathise with you on regretting not playing sports when I was younger... and for the same reason - I hated being yelled at if I did something wrong or failed to do as expected!

Mountain Mama said...

Sports? What's that?
I have never been a fan. Don't do or watch unless my kidlets are playing. Oh I did play some baseball and volley ball when I was a school girl but never had the confidence needed to be good at it. I'm really just not the sporty type.
Happy Valentine's Day.

Tumblewords: said...

Interesting post! I was never good at sports and don't really enjoy watching others...generally.

latree said...

I was quite good playing ping pong. but awful in basketball, volleyball...

I think physical activities are another kind of sport too...

Sorrow said...

oh absolutely, some days ya just wish you could do an erase and try it again,
TODAY , and the past 2 weeks have been like that..
Nap time!

Merle said...

Dear Linda ~~ Don't be too hard on yourself ~ you work hard and not everyone can play sport. I was hopeless, although I do like to watch AFL footy and cricket. A lot of the time I have the TV on for company more than anything else.
Good on you for sending gift bags
I sent some money, The response has been wonderful and makes us proud Aussies. Plus a lot of help from other countries. Take care dear Linda, count the thing you do well and concentrate on them.
Much love, Merle.

Patois42 said...

You and sports? Me and playing a musical instrument.

Rosey said...

I hated sport at school, but now I work in one I see how useful it is in getting rid of kids pent up excess energy! I had fun writing about my school sports days though. Hope you can visit me.

Keith's Ramblings said...

I'm with you all the way! Watching sport on TV is the best way to get a couple of hours extra shut-eye! I also must say that I was a little disappointed when I saw 'sport' was our prompt!

Lucy said...

awww Linda, I sure know those days when u feel the whole world is against you.. it will get better! Don't beat yourself up (something I need to stop doing as well!!)
You made NO mistakes in your well written, entertaining post! :)

Miss Robyn said...

I don't like sport at all. Hate cricket and football. hate golf and tennis. not a good aussie am I?

but like you, I love my computer friends.. they seem to understand me ;) xo